About Us
You don’t have to be Big to be “OnPoint”. While we do service our local community, our focus is on you, the backyard hobbyist; someone who wants to start or expand their personal garden to enjoy all this flower has to offer. Afterall, it’s who we are and how we started.
Located in the lower Hudson Valley of New York, OnPoint Dahlias is comprised of a husband a wife team. Starting as a simple hobby to add seasonal color to the gardens, Dahlias seemed the most natural choice. Beautiful colors shapes and sizes couple with a long vase life that allows for bringing the outside in, what more could you want?!
Let us answer that…more.
The minute we met the Dahlia, passion turned obsession. Veggie gardening went to the wayside, and summer days became filled with tending to and caring for these magnificent flowers.
Sure, there is some debate here at OnPoint…who has the harder job: deadheading, fertilizing, and weeding versus labeling, protecting, classifying, organizing and arranging. We’re sure you’d agree with the latter, however, despite who wins the debate, one thing remains true, it takes many hands and eyes to evaluating the health of each variety we grow, cut and arrange.
So come on, take a peek inside our world of dahlias and the magic that transforms these ugly fingerling potatoes with little eyes …um, we mean tubers into producing the most stunning flowers. Whether small, large, single or multicolored, we encourage you to find your favorite, and see whether our passion will turn to your obsession.